
In the Name of God by Maryam Mirzaei


The most important function of the miniature was illustration.
Shamseh with Flowers & Birds by Maryam Mirzaei

Flower & Birds

Decorating artwork such as pottery and murals with flower and bird imprints flourished from the Qajar period onward.
Freedom by Maryam Mirzaei

Persian Miniatures

After the Arab conquest in 641, Persia became part of the Islamic world, and its visual arts developed according to…
Overlap Shamseh I by Maryam Mirzaei


Islimi designs gradually emerged as a floral, vegetative style of Islamic art in various forms around the world.
Shamseh ‘Eshq by Maryam Mirzaei


Islamic decoration, which tends to avoid using figurative images, makes frequent use of geometric patterns which have developed over the…
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